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Lypossage is a clinically proven treatment that effectively:

• Detoxifies your body of years of built-up wastes and toxins - making you feel better.

• Reshapes your figure without machines, needles, invasive surgery, exercise or dieting.

• Re-contours and smoothes your skin by stretching and breaking down bound up adhesive fibers that hold fat in uneven rippled patterns commonly known as cellulite.


What is Lypossage?

Lypossage is a type of massage therapy that targets toxin laden cellulite and fatty deposits beneath the skin. It incorporates deep tissue massage and lymphatic drainage.Lypossage is a technique for physical body contouring that rids your body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic liquid (Lymph edema) that could develop into the lumps and bumps we referred to as cellulite. The deeper Lypossage strokes are designed to break apart the adhesions under the skin that can add to the unequal appearance of lumpy skin. An additional benefit is that Lypossage tones the musculature, lifting and firming sagging tissue.In the research, noteworthy results included a normal reduction of 1-1/2 inches on each thigh. The average cumulative loss was seen at seven (7) inches.


What does it do?

Due to a variety of causes, our bodies do not always effectively remove all the toxins from our system. These toxins collect in the fatty tissues in our body and can create visible dimpling and bulges. Lypossage helps to stimulate blood flow through these areas and 'encourage' the toxins to be released and flushed from the system. Lypossage also tones muscle and helps firm skin.


Who can benefit from Lypossage?

Massage in and of itself has a variety of physical and emotional benefits for most people. Lypossage is most beneficial for individuals who have toxin build up in fatty tissues. Cellulite is an obvious sign. However, lypossage is not a replacement for exercise and good nutrition, nor is it a quick fix. Individuals with loose skin in particular, I am told, can benefit significantly from lypossage. Lypossage is safe for most individuals. However, if you have specific medical conditions you should consult your physician first.


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